Map Tools provide various functions to query and print, zoom, and measure the map. Specific tools include:

Button Tool Name Tool Use and Descriptions
Select Parcel Use this tool to select a specific parcel with a single mouse-click. Multiple parcels may be selected by mouse-clicking more parcels. The use of the Select Parcel Tool is the first step of the buffer process as described below. The tool remains active until pressed again to deactivate it.
Buffer This tool is used to locate other parcels within a user-specified distance of an initially-selected parcel (or set of parcels). This initial parcel(s) should be selected using the Select Parcel Tool described immediately above.
Clear Selection Pressing this button will drop any selected parcels from your list of interest.
Zoom to Full Extent Pressing this button will zoom the map to the full boundary of the County.
Previous View Pressing this button will shift the map view to the previous extent.
Locate Latitude and Longitude Point Pressing this button opens the Locate Latitude and Longitude menu. The tool may be used to find any point on the Earth.
Measure Distance Pressing this tool loads a distance measuring tap to the mouse.
(1) Click a point of beginning.
(2) Move to a second location and click. The distance in miles and feet to that point is printed to the screen.
(3) Each additional mouse click presents a Segment Distance, as well as a Total Distance from the time the Measure Distance Tool was first selected.
Print Controls Print Controls are used to print the selected parcels to either an Excel file or label sheet.
Help Opens the online Help System.