The Results Tab contains a list of all currently
selected parcels. Parcels may be selected using either the Select Tool or a
buffer operation. Both these operators are located on the
Map Tools. The Results Tab contains the following:
- ()
Print Avery Mailing Labels: press this button to print mailing labels
(Avery 5160 Format) of the selected parcels.
- ()
Download Excel Mailing List: press this button to download an Excel
file of the selected parcels.
- ():
View Map: press this button to zoom the map to the specific parcel.
- Parcel Number with
Sidebar Control: mouse-hovering over a given parcel opens a
Sidebar Control. The Sidebar Control provides access to
assessment information by year, tax information, and an ability
to pay taxes.
- Site Address: the physical address of the specified parcel.
- Owner Name: the name of the parcel owner as currently known
by the County Assessor.